Well spring has finally sprung down here in the Southern Hemisphere. The days are getting longer and warmer, although our nights are still very cold. The chickens are starting to lay more beautiful free- range eggs, and I have been busy cleaning! Isn't it funny how the end of winter stirs the need to refresh the house, to wash down walls, and make the windows sparkle? Even the fridge got a spring clean.

In recent years I have tried to use more natural cleaners in our home. The effect that so many chemicals in our everyday cleaners, can have on my children is worrying. Their skin absorbs these chemicals a lot more readily than adults, and only now does science seem to be discovering the damage they can do to our bodies. But I always thought that natural, more old-fashioned cleaners were not as effective. So I began with good old common vinegar. I have used it to clean my windows and mirrors, and it does a good job. I have found that wiping with old terry nappies works well, and doesn't leave any streaks, which is aways nice :)

I then tried Bicarb of Soda (baking soda) on my oven. I made a paste, and slathered it all over the inside of the oven, left it for a few minutes, and then took a gentle scourer and scrubbed gently. Now my oven has not been cleaned for a good long time ( to long to mention really) and I do cook the occasional roast in winter, so it was fairly dirty. It took some work, but the bicarb removed a lot of the more cooked on food, and left the oven reasonably clean. Possibly not as quick and easy as Mr Muscle would work, but with none of the fumes or chemicals either.
I wipe down my walls and kitchen cupboards with sugar soap. I haven't discovered a replacement yet, but I am looking.
I am thrilled that some natural cleaners do work. It seems silly now to buy chemically laden products, and I wonder why I did so for so many years, but it is hard to change what you know sometimes, isn't it?
God Bless,