Friday, 29 March 2013

Parenting with Grace

Monday night is Girls Brigade night, and for the 2hrs that my girls are busy, I meet with a few other  mums to listen to christian speakers.

My Brigaders  

Last year we listened to James Dobson from Focus on the Family, interview different people on various topics, from parenting to motherhood to being a wife.

This year it is Essentials of Parenting (Raising kids with a faith that lasts). One of the topics is Grace Filled Parenting. I grew up up a fairly legalistic family, many rules to live by, many do's and dont's, but not much compassion, forgiveness or grace. So when I hear the term "grace filled parenting', I immediately think permissive parenting. 

Listening to Dr Tim Kimmell speak made me realise that parenting with grace is not letting our kids get away with everything, rather it is modelling Gods attributes for our children. Living out His love, mercy, forgiveness in front of our children so they can see how He wants us to live in this world. Our society needs to see Gods love, His mercy, graciousness, forgiveness - all His attributes at work in us, and the home is a fabulous practice ground for this. 

My default position is to go back to the way that I was raised. It is so hard to get out of that mindset, but I don't want children to think that my love is conditional, that my motherhood is just a list of rules. I want my children to have a heart for God and to see God through me. It is a good thing we have a big God who can work through the lowliest of people. 

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Every day life

God has placed me in very green pastures and  life is very good. One of my favourite verses in the bible comes from Isaiah.

            He tends his flock like a
            He gathers the lambs in His
            and carries them close to his
            He gently leads those that have young.

                                   Isaiah 40:11

 With as many little ones as I have, life can get very chaotic at times and I love knowing that God watches over me, I have a place in His heart.  No matter what happens God is completely trustworthy, and whether it is needing a place to live, my husband needing a job, or all the children coming down with Gastro within  days of each other, He is in control. That is not to say that I wont be exhausted or sad at times, or that tough stuff wont happen. But when it does God is there.

This morning, the kids and I walked to the park to get rid of some of the energy that seems to abound in young children.

     They had fun.

We then did some school work

      and they are still having fun!

And after so much work and play, of course it is time for lunch. I make a very simple bread for our daily loaf. I have tried Sour dough but I am having trouble finding a recipe that we all like. I think it is an acquired taste. 

This bread is super easy! All I do is place some water and milk in my mixer, add yeast, a little honey and a little salt. Then comes some bread flour, enough to make a sticky dough. I let the mixer knead it for me for about 5 minutes and then leave the dough to rise. After about 2 hours I split the dough in half,  pop it into tins and let it rise for another 45 minutes. Then into the oven to cook and we have lovely fresh bread for lunch.